Using the Control panel you can:
move your location,
move your direction of view,
change distance,
change your roll angle,
increase/decrease the zoom factor continuously or one step at a time using the currently defined step size.

Click the re-size button to display/hide controllers.

Choose Position mode from the pop-up menu (or press F5 on the keyboard) to move through a sequence of locations.
Note that RedShift does not allow you to move over the pole of a planet or moon. Continuous above/below movement stops at the north or south poles of the object.
Choose Distance mode from the pop-up menu in the Control panel (or press F6 on the keyboard) to move through a sequence of distances from the location body.
Choose Direction mode from the pop-up menu in the Control panel, (or press F7 on the keyboard) to move your viewing direction through a sequence of positions. This is the equivalent of slewing the direction of a telescope across the sky.
Choose Roll angle mode from the pop-up menu (or press F8 on the keyboard) to move your roll angle through a sequence of positions.
Choose Zoom mode to change the Zoom factor (or use the + and - keys on the keyboard)

Edit the value in the Step field to change the current step size. Click a value to select it then type new values. Press Return/Enter to apply your new step settings. Change units using the pop-up menu.

Use the pop-up menu to select one of the pre-set values. Note that the items you can choose from the pop-up menu depend on the mode you set in the CONTROL panel.

Click the play arrows (, , , ) to move continuously through either axis using the currently defined step size (expressed as degrees and minutes). Click the stop button to stop continuous movement. Click the buttons immediately to the right/left and above/below the stop button (, , , ) to move one step at a time, or use the corresponding arrow keys on the keyboard.

You can choose to change direction with respect to RA/Dec, Alt/Azm or the computer screen.

Click the play arrows (, ) to move continuously using the currently defined step size. Click the stop button to stop continuous movement. Click the buttons immediately to above/below the stop button (, ) to move one step at a time, or use the corresponding arrow keys on the keyboard.

Use the horizontal controllers to move your viewing direction east or west and vertical controllers to move your viewing direction north or south. Click the play arrows (, , , ) to move continuously through either axis using the currently defined step size (expressed as degrees and minutes). Click the stop button to stop continuous movement. Click the buttons immediately to the right/left and above/below the stop button (, , , ) to move one step at a time, or use the corresponding arrow keys on the keyboard.

Use the controller to move the roll angle (CW means clockwise, CCW means counter-clockwise).Click the play arrows (, ) to move continuously using the currently defined step size. Click the stop button to stop continuous movement. Click the buttons immediately to the left/right of the stop button (, ) to move one step at a time, or use the corresponding arrow keys on the keyboard.

Click the play arrows ( , ) to increase/decrease the zoom factor continuously using the currently defined step size. Click the stop button to stop continuous change. Click the buttons immediately above and below the stop button to change the zoom factor one step at a time, or use the corresponding arrow keys on the keyboard.